Friday, January 30, 2009


Sorry that I haven't blogged in a long time and thanks to Crazy Sister I am going to add another post that she reminded me about.

When Boody Boy was just 2 and a bit he bought out some of my chocolate. Now being our first child we were quite strict with what he could and couldn't eat so I had told him "No mate, you can't have any chocolate." He then wandered to the lounge where Snuffy was laying in the bouncer (I might add that she was only a couple of months old, breast fed and wasn't old enough for solids.) Boody Boy then preceded in his biggest most grown up voice at that stage,"no choccie" and preceded to pull out a HUGE lump of chocolate from her mouth that she had started to choke on. Boody Boy had been 'sharing' as had been drummed into him since he was a baby and he was very good at it even at that age(Though Snuffy, at 2 and a half still has not quite grasped this concept yet) I guess he did not realise that his sister could of choked. Neither Mr Fix It nor myself knew whether we should punish him or explain to him as he didn't mean to(well I don' think so?!?!?)

Lets just say that we were very relieved that it hadn't taken a turn for the worse and our son was a wonderful sharer. My heart though took a while to stop the uncontrollable fast pace that it had been beating at.


  1. It won't be long now before you witness events like these and (once your heart rate gets back to normal) your first thought will be "I must blog about that!" :)

  2. Oh no!!! First children eat such healthy diets. Subsequent children get fed such rubbish by their older siblings!!

  3. wow, scary! But cute that he shared and then "took it back" when you said no
